Small changes can add up to a big difference!

When life's busy it can sometimes feel like there's little to no time left to focus on things that can help with our physical and mental health.

That's why THINK Hauora and Manawatū Rugby have teamed up to highlight simple things you and your whānau can do to turbo-charge your wellbeing!

Simple things you can do to boost your health and wellbeing, have fun, feel good and connect

Our health isn't just about how we are physically. It's also about our emotions, how we are affected by stress, work, what's going on for our whānau, relationships, challenges - everything life can throw at us.

Thinking about our wellbeing as including all aspects of our life encourages us to consider our mental wellbeing, how much we are moving, what food we are eating to fuel ourselves and what we're doing to prevent future health issues.

If one or more of these areas are out of balance, it can have an effect on our overall health and wellbeing. But making small changes to redress the balance can add up to having a big impact.

Click on the images below to check out more information about the four different topics.

Want to make a plan?

Download our handy action plan for ideas and tips on Turbo-Charging your Wellbeing.

It's got links to our videos which you can access via your smartphone, along with links to more information and support. There's even space for you to note down ideas about how to work on maximising your wellbeing.

Get your tamariki involved too!

Helping our kids to understand and cherish their physical and mental wellbeing can help them throughout life.

Our Kids' Action Plan and videos are a great way to introduce them to thinking about how they feel, how they move and how they fuel themselves.

Download the plan below, and check out our Wellbeing for Kids page for more information.

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