Clinical Dietitian Service

Clinical Dietitian Service

Good kai (food) is an essential part of everyone’s health and wellbeing. Kai can have an impact on your medication, mood, sleep, physical movement and other everyday activities. Our THINK Hauora Clinical Dietitian Service offers group sessions and limited one-on-one services to help people manage different health condition(s) with choices of kai. 

What does the service offer?

Group programmes to help you manage your long-term conditions

THINK Hauora offers two nutrition-related group self-management programmes, Food and Fitness and Food for Thought Diabetes, to help people living with a long-term health condition(s) modify their food and activity to better support their health. 

Food and Fitness is a self-management programme held over 4 weeks, and is available in Palmerston North and Levin. This programme focuses on healthy eating and starting/maintaining physical exercise as a positive way to improve overall health and wellbeing and is taught by a dietitian and physical activity educator - Self management principles and goal setting are weaved throughout this programme. 

Food for Thought Type 2 Diabetes is a self-management nutrition-focused programme developed specifically for managing type 2 diabetes. This dietitian-led programme is held over two weeks and is available in Palmerston North.  The programme focuses on food choices and other self- management strategies to improve diabetes management. Goal setting and problem solving are also included in these sessions.  

To participate in these programmes you must be referred by your health provider and meet the following criteria:

·       Are 18 years or older

·       Have a long-term condition such as but not limited to diabetes, heart disease, depression and/or obesity, that would benefit from a self-management education and support 

Individual appointments to help with poor appetite or moderate chronic kidney disease

THINK Hauora’s dietitian service has extremely limited capacity to see people individually and is available only for those with those with more complex health needs. To see a dietitian you must be referred by your healthcare provider and meet one of the following criteria:

·       Are malnourished, unintentionally lost a significant amount of weight and/or are struggling with poor appetite due cancer or pulmonary obstructive disorder

·       Have a diagnosis of moderate chronic kidney disease (eGFR 30 – 60)

The services you will receive will depend on what support you need. When you first access the service, a dietitian will give you a clinical assessment (find out a bit of background about you, your health, lifestyle and how you eat), talk to you about what goals you would like to work towards achieving and share tips and advice based on your specific needs. They will discuss with you how often you should meet with them as part of your care package. Most appointments are provided at the THINK Hauora clinic rooms at 200 Broadway Avenue Palmerston North.

How can I access this service?

Please ask to be referred to the service by your general practice team or health provider. This service is available free to people who meet the criteria

When and where?

Once a referral is received, one of our team will aim be in contact with you within 4 weeks. This may be via a letter or via a phone call

Contact us

Phone: 06 354 9107
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