This includes Palmerston North, Feilding, Dannevirke, Levin, Ōtaki and the surrounding communities. We ensure everyone across our communities has access to essential primary health care services through a General Practice Team.
A PHO provides primary health services either directly or through its contracted providers. The services provided aim to improve and maintain the health of the enrolled PHO population, ensuring that general practice services are connected with other health services to ensure a seamless continuum of care.
Our performance is aligned with WEAVING and reported at a locality level within the THINK Hauora Outcomes Framework. In addition to the Outcomes Framework, THINK Hauora uses System Level Measures which focus on children, youth and high-priority populations.
Measures and indicators are set annually. In 2024 our goals include:
Ensuring that 90% of Māori Men aged 35-44 years old, who are enrolled with a GP have had a Cardiovascular Risk Assessment (CVRA) in the last 5 years
100% of immunisations completed in the quarter have a standardised child health screening tool completed at the same time (6 weeks, 3 months, 5 months, 15 months and 4 years), which includes age appropriate questions.
90% of current smokers are given smoking brief advice and/or referred to cessation support within the last 15 months.
Ambulatory Sensitive Hospital (ASH) reduction - avoidable admissions are decreasing across Māori and Pasifika, for all ages
Risk stratification for Long Term Condition (LTC) services – 60% of LTC funding to a practice is used by enrolled patients identified as moderate to high risk.
Patient Portal – enrolled patients use two way communication via a patient portal