Physical Activity Education Service

Physical Activity Service

Movement through physical activity and exercise helps us feel better physically and mentally.

Exercise intervention can help reduce the risk of long-term conditions. Our Physical Activity Education Service can work with you one-on-one, or in a group setting to help you learn more about improving your wellbeing through exercise.

What will I get out of the service?

A plan that works for you

We are all different, and what works best for someone else might be different to what works best for you.

We begin by meeting for a consultation to discuss your wellbeing. During this meeting, we will carry out a health screening and come up with a goal of what you'd like to achieve through exercise.

The Physical Exercise Service team is made up of Clinical Exercise Physiologists and Physical Activity Educators. You can work with our team to develop a personalised plan based on what's important to your wellbeing, taking into consideration you health conditions, your medication, lifestyle and your family.

You can meet with our team at home, or out in the community at a venue where you feel comfortable doing some physical activity and exercise. This might be at a gym, in a park or a leisure centre for example.

Details of the service

You might work with our team for anything up to 12 weeks - it all depends on how much support you need and how things progress week by week.

We take a holistic approach, meaning we look at lots of different aspects of your health and wellbeing and combine them all together with you to find the best plan. This could include physical activity and exercise, medication management, healthy eating and social connection.

One of the most important things about the programme is making sure the plan we create with you helps you achieve your goals.

How can I join?

Speak with your general practice team or wider health provider and asked to be referred into the Physical Activity team. 

Once we have received your referral one of our team will be in contact with you to arrange an initial meeting at a time and place that suits you. Here you can talk through your wellbeing, undertake a health screening and create a plan involving physical activity and exercise. 

Contact us

Phone: 06 354 9107

Watch Pat's story about working with our team in the video below.

Additional resources

Green Prescription (GRx)

GRx is a Ministry of Health (MoH) and Te Whatu Ora - MidCentral funded programme that aims to get more people physically active. A Green Prescription is a script with a difference. It can be obtained from your GP, nurse or community health worker instead of medical script. GRx prescribes a personalised physical activity programme to improve your health and well-being.

You can also fill in a Green Prescription (GRx) self-referral form here.

Who is Green Prescription for?
People who are 18 years of age or older who are currently inactive but who are looking for support to improve their health and well-being through increased physical activity.

What can GRx offer you? 

  • Develop and monitor personal physical activity through a range of programmes
  • Provide ongoing support and guidance
  • Fun opportunities to participate in physical activities

How long does a Green Prescription Programme take?
Each class term lasts for 10 weeks. Graduates of each programme are given the option to progress for an additional term of classes.

What type of classes does GRx offer? 

  • Green Prescriptions’ weekly classes vary depending on the location but may include:
  • Aqua aerobics
  • Walking
  • Resistance exercises
  • Sit and Be Fit
  • Push Play aerobics

For more information, check out GRx’s what’s going on this term page.

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