Quick Frittatas

These are really quick and easy to make. They are a fab addition to anyone's lunchbox and provide helpings of veg and protein!

This recipe makes six frittatas.


2 eggs

200ml milk

30g grated cheese (or as much as you like!)

100g frozen or ready cooked veg

Salt and pepper


  1. Crack the eggs into a jug and add the milk. Whisk until combined.
  2. Add in the grated cheese and season with the salt and pepper to taste
  3. Put 6 paper or silicon muffin cases into a muffin tin. Preheat the oven to 180c
  4. Put a tablespoon worth of the veg in the bottom of each case
  5. Pour over the egg, milk and cheese mixture to fill the cases
  6. Bake in the oven for around 20-25 mins until cooked through and golden brown
  7. Keep them in the fridge ready for the week ahead!

Try making up your own recipe by adding favourite meats such as bacon, chicken or ham, or adding different vegetables like roasted capsicum, rocket or spinach.

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