Levin Better Breathing Programme Celebrates Milestone 50th Programme
16 March 2025

Media Release: THINK Hauora

This month THINK Hauora’s Physical Activity Service celebrates the delivery of the 50th Levin Better Breathing Programme in partnership with Levin physiotherapist Ingrid Bats. 

The Levin Better Breathing Programme, also known as the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Programme, has supported individuals living with chronic respiratory conditions since 2011. Available through referral by a respiratory specialist, the programme offers vital support to people with conditions such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and chronic asthma, helping them to manage symptoms and improve their quality of life. The 50th programme, which will finish up in late March, marks a significant milestone for the programme’s success and longevity. 

THINK Hauora Physical Activity Service Team Lead and Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Grant Hansen, says, “Reaching 50 Better Breathing programmes is such a remarkable achievement, and testament to the positive and encouraging environment that Ingrid creates. People are the focus - participants can feel comfortable to both exercise and share their journey with the group. That connection has been key to its success.”

Self-management and education are built into the programme, and Ingrid and Grant help to enhance the participants’ knowledge, skills, and confidence in managing their long-term respiratory conditions. 

Ingrid, a semi-retired physiotherapist who has been with the programme from its inception, has been instrumental in its achievements and longevity. Her dedication has made a profound difference in the lives of many in the Levin community. 

Ingrid says, “Being a part of the Better Breathing programme from the beginning has been an incredibly rewarding experience. It’s amazing to see how the programme has evolved and how it has helped people take control of their health and live better lives.” 

Many participants, especially older people, often feel isolated and disconnected due to their health conditions. Ingrid explains, "They tend to stay at home and do less, which only worsens their condition. The social aspect of the programme—meeting others with similar conditions—has been a game-changer." 

One of the challenges Ingrid faces is that many people join the programme too late, when their condition is already advanced. She emphasises the importance of earlier referrals for participants to get on track with exercise sooner. "People often come when their condition is already quite advanced. If they could join earlier, it would make a big difference." 

Ingrid, who retired in 2023 after 30 years of running Levin-based physiotherapy clinic Physio + Rehab with her husband Otto, continues her work with the programme because of the fulfillment it brings. "I’ve kept going with this programme because it warms my heart. As long as they want me, I’ll be there." 

For participants, the social connection and support from the long-running Levin Better Breathing programme have played a key role in improving their health and creating lasting changes in their lives. Past programme participant Fleur O’Sullivan says she attended following a diagnosis of COPD, a condition that had she had seen the effects of firsthand. “My aunt had died from it, so I had immediately written myself off. It was really eye-opening to see all the other people who have had this thing [COPD] longer, and how they’ve managed it. I didn’t feel so alone. By the end of the first session, I thought ‘I’m home’.” 

Stuart McCarthy, who also has COPD, says, “It [the Levin Better Breathing Programme] was fun. It’s not serious, but we all got stuck in and did it. The first time I came, I could do about four laps around the hall, and I was really tired. By week three, I’m cruising around like there’s no tomorrow. Now I can walk the dog. I’m doing half a kilometre which I couldn’t do before.” 

Ingrid stresses the importance of making exercise accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of how they feel on any given day. "I always tell participants there’s no stress—just come and move at your own pace. Even if you don’t feel great, come anyway, and you’ll likely leave feeling better. The key is to create an environment where there’s no competition, just support and understanding." 

Anyone interested in joining the Better Breathing (Pulmonary Rehabilitation) Programme can obtain a referral through their general practice team. Once referred, participants will be connected to the Respiratory Service at Palmerston North Hospital, where they will be linked to the programme. The programme is available throughout the year in Palmerston North, Levin, and Dannevirke. 

For more information about the Better Breathing (Pulmonary Rehabilitation) Programme, contact THINK Hauora: 


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